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January 5, 2022 - COVID Testing Update

In order to support students safely remaining in school, the 小蓝视频 Union School District is offering free COVID-19 testing for students during the school day!

小蓝视频 Union School District continues to work with public health authorities, medical professionals, and scientific experts for a safe, responsible reopening in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to test for COVID regularly, including when a student is in close contact with a confirmed COVID-positive person at school (in-school exposure). For this reason, our district is offering free in-school testing for students who have been exposed as a close contact at school. We recommend that you opt in to our student testing program.

Benefits of Testing

  • Students involved in an in-school exposure event may be eligible for “modified quarantine” if they are enrolled in the district's testing program. Modified quarantine allows your student to continue receiving in-person instruction.

  • Free Onsite Testing can help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at school and home.

Enrollment in 小蓝视频’s COVID-19 testing program ensures your student can participate in both Contact Tracing and Symptomatic testing.

Contact Tracing Testing - for students who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 while at school. For the purposes of contact tracing, testing would be required only for students who are not fully vaccinated, as vaccinated students do not have to quarantine.

  • Qualifying for a modified quarantine, a student can remain in their regular classroom at school for learning after they have been exposed to a positive individual at school. Modified Quarantine requirements are updated regularly on 

  • If a student is not tested at school, they must be tested for COVID-19 using either a lab-based or rapid molecular PCR test between day three (3) from exposure and day five (5) from exposure, and again between three (3) and five (5) days after the initial test OR remain at home for the duration of the quarantine.

Symptomatic Testing - for students who develop symptoms at school, regardless of vaccination status, they may be tested before they go home so that they can return to school as quickly as possible (symptomatic testing may be available on-site, or at the District Office free of charge). 

Registration: You only need to register your child once for testing at the link below, and with your consent, your child can participate in our COVID testing program if they are ever identified as a close contact, are symptomatic, or if they were home sick and are ready to return to school after their symptoms have improved.

Register for testing here: 

Need help finding a place to get a COVID-19 test your CVUSD student, or questions about testing? We can help! Please call Janessa Williams in our Health Services Department @ 619.588.3000 ext. 700-2016