• Welcome to Coach Taylors Physical Education Website.  The Montgomery Physical Education program curriculum is based on the Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools.  Each year, students will be assessed on a variety of concepts, including fundamental skills, movement patterns, self-responsibility, social interaction, and group dynamics.  It is my hope that students will be challenged to collaborate, motivate and innovate.

     Physical Education will provide students with an understanding of life-long wellness in the context of sport, fitness, and health.  Our curriculum will encourage this holistic approach to learning by providing four areas of study; Cardiovascular Health, Functional Fitness, Lifetime Activities (cooperative games, team and individual sports), and Principles of Resistance Training and Flexibility.  These will act as our guide as we explore these concepts throughout the school year. 

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    My information is as follows:


     (619) 588-3107