Phone: 6195883116


Degrees and Certifications:

National Board Certified Teacher

Mrs. Tara Kohls



Hi! My name is Mrs. Kohls and I am going to be your third grade teacher. This will be my 17th year teaching but my sixth year at Anza Elementary. I love third grade and all the exploring, learning, and fun we get to have!


I have a Master’s degree in Education as well as my National Board Certification. I love reading and writing. And I can’t wait to help you become a better mathematician and expose you to a lot of new math and science adventures!


I grew up in sunny San Diego, CA and lived in Seattle, Washington for 11 years. I have a wife, Angel and a 8 ½ year old daughter, Emily. We have two dogs (Porter & Pete) and one cat (Riley).

Our house has more energy than a room full of third graders!


I can’t wait to spend the next year learning and growing with you!

My Current Favorites


Food: Dark Chocolate

Movie genre: Comedy

Book: Any cookbook!

Colors: Green and Blue

  Drink: Sparkling water

   Season: Spring

Sports Teams: Padres and Seahawks

   Animal: Turtle

                            Music: Country                                       

    Hobbies: Cooking, Gardening, Swimming