Alison Blair
  • Mrs. Alison Blair

    Room 206


    phone: (619)588-3092

    Instagram: Team206CVMS

    For Advisory Assignments, see our Team 206 Digital Learning .



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Blair

Thank you for visiting my webpage!

My name is Alison Blair and my childhood dream was to become a teacher. I come from a family of teachers and I consider the love of learning to be in my blood.

I am a San Diego native and went to Clairemont High School. 

I earned my bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in human development and my master's degree in mild/moderate special education from San Diego State University. I also hold a mild/moderate special education teaching credential with an emphasis in Autism. 

Prior to teaching, I worked as a special education technician for the San Diego Unified School District for seven years. I was able to work in a variety of special education settings. I am coming up on my tenth year of teaching and I love it more each and every year.

I am blessed with an amazing husband, two incredible daughters, and two lazy cats.

Students and families are welcome to join our private Instagram page: Team206CVMS to see all of the hard work that our students are doing daily.

Thank you so much for allowing me to work with your phenomenal children.