• Welcome to Mrs. McDaniel's Website! 
    Please visit the 5th grade website and calendar for updated assignments. If your kiddo was absent the day a reading log was passed out, there are always extras in the EXTRA basket in my room. Your child can pick on up there any time.  
    Homework for McDaniel-
    Weekly- read about30 minutes a day, aiming for 2 and a half hours in the week.
    Weekly Logs due on Friday (and passed out on Monday)
     Occasionally- get a class test/quiz signed
     I do ALL the Scholastic book orders for the grade-level but each teacher shares the rewarded points. It just makes it easier to have one of us ordering on behalf of all kiddos. Here are some tips to help you!
    1. All order forms are passed out in reading class
    2. You may order online the code is: LHW8T
    3. Your order form (if doing the paper version) must have your child's name clearly on it and you must pay by CHECK! No cash, sorry.
    4. I will do Scholastic orders about every 6 weeks or so.  
    Check out the 5th grade homework calendar to see more detailed information about homework in all content areas.